Support Me

My Twitch channel, the live feed and videos, are all provided for free. No payment is required or expected. Honestly I’d just like people to be there, watch, and chat. I want to find more people like me so we can build a community together.

If however you enjoy the content I provide and wish to help keep the stream going, first off I am incredibly grateful for any help you wish to offer.

There are a number of ways you can support my stream. Any funds I receive through whatever means will be invested in the stream so that I can improve the content I provide and fund new equipment and games.

First of all, the easiest and totally free way to support the stream is to go to my channel on Twitch and click the follow button. It really does help the stream. Another free but incredibly useful means of supporting me is to share my social media posts. For example, if I post a Tweet you can re-tweet it and it really does help my channel and help build up this community.

If you do want to help through a more direct financial means there are a number of methods below.

A direct donation here will be handled by the StreamLabs secure software associated with my stream. The donation will display on the stream if I’m live and you can include a message to me.

You can buy game bundles, book bundles, and comic bundles from Humble Bundle just as you normally would costing you no more than usual. If you use my link by clicking the image above Humble Bundle will share some of the purchase money with me. A win win. You get your purchase and you support me too for the same price.

My Wishlist

This is basically the list of things I’m working towards getting to improve my stream. It’s a list of goals. 

This one gives back to you too. If you use my code above you can purchase items from  the popular “IntoTheAm” clothing line at 10% off.

© 2018 – Breselyer | All rights reserved

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